(Season 5, Episode A) Experimental Hackbase Camp
"Nomadic Maintenance Research Culture"
@ Lanzarote, Canary Islands (Spain)
January 6 -> February 11 2017 (36 days)

Last Updated:
2016-02-16 just back from camp! more soon!
What is CHT? + Context
This "EXPERIMENTAL HACKBASE CAMP" is ... a bunch of people and technology camping in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. It will be creating new & deploying existing free technology, theory and art. The goal is to create a functional technological and behavioural recipe/typology (a "lifestyle infrastructure") for a free, post-capitalist society. A lot of work has already been done by the hackbase, and by other people & projects. Everybody is welcome + it's really cheap.
Read first:
* the main site
* 🔗season4 (2014-2016) year plan
The previous camps:
🔗season4-A, 🔗season4-B, 🔗season4-C, 🔗season4-D
If you have any additional questions, 🔗faq is a good place to add them.
And follow the mailing list (see 🔗contact on how-to) + IRC #hackbases and #chtotalism (on Freenode).

See 🔗season5-A_ !
Via 🔗list-20170508.
More coming soon, especially photos.
Join the mailing 🔗list.
(refresh for more)

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