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UPDATE 2017-12-08:
Meeting with Makers Lanzarote.
SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION: http://makerslanzarote.org
They want to make a space, currently have an open ICO (via Inventia, Las Palmas).
Table of Contents
1 | ********** SPACE STATUS UPDATE, FEBRUARY 2017 |
2 | ********** ARCHIVE ("TRUCO.SPACE #1") |
3 | How to visit // CLOSED |
4 | Basic idea |
5 | Infrastructure |
6 | Space history |
Lanzarote Hackerspace / Open Technology Space
@ ARRECIFE, Lanzarote, Canary Islands
* Join Facebook Group
* Like on Facebook
* IRC: #truco (on Freenode)
* Email: david@truco.space
* GSM/Whatsapp: +34603118504 (David)
Also see related project:
Truco.space (hackerspace) started as an idea in June 2016, that came out of Cyberhippietotalism (http://totalism.org, a hackbase since 2011). It was named and initiated by me personally, with immediate support by Matic Potočnik. After this, other people have been invited to collaborate, especially 2 ("X" and Luis) were relatively active. In a matter of weeks, some support in the form of (non-formal) members, and a space in Argana Alta - some of you have visited it - has been offered, accepted, and developed.
*** "TRUCO.SPACE #1" : June 2016 - September 2016
The space in Argana Alta was a matter of quite a lot of work to set up. Performed especially by Matic and me personally (>75% in terms of all hours spent at the space). Some of you became (non-formal) members, and we collected some (non-formal) memberships. The space closed in September - when we left the island, because we only live on the island temporarily, about 1/3 of the time. The other 2 prominent local members retreated in early 2017 for personal reasons, and one of them is also the proprietor of the space. So the space was "officially" closed, with all Cyberhippietotalism equipment moved out, in January 2017.
A Spanish association was also started, and made official in ~October 2016. The status of this is currently unknown to me, but I am interested to continue its direction in the future. I will be investigating with the other two trusted formal co-founders if that is an option.
The idea and its manifesto of "TRUCO.SPACE Lanzarote hackerspace / open laboratory" is still relevant to me personally, and to Cyberhippietotalism as a support entity. The outline of the project, written on http://truco.space, is still available, and open to any interested future collaborators. Currently, I am not actively looking for a space in Lanzarote, but this might change in the future.
I will also support (personally and with Cyberhippietotalism) any other open initiatives in the fields of open technology, avantgarde art/theory/politics.
Arrecife, February 13 2017
********** ARCHIVE ("TRUCO.SPACE #1")
How to visit // CLOSED
Looking for new members and visitors.
Basic idea
Start a shared & open technology space:
* somewhere in Arrecife
* rent: max 400€ / month
* can be outside of center or coast
1) space serves as Lanzarote technology scene hotspot:
* for small meetings and coordination
* for regular presentations and events
* coworking: sit down and work for a few hours
* a space to have semi-personal meetings in a public context
2) ... as a DIY center ("do-it-yourself"):
* with basic tools available for new projects & repairing things
* a community of capable people helping each other
* a hackerspace = share + work with technical equipment
3) ... as a Medialab / new media art center
4) independent center for journalism, press, and investigative media
5) center for fabrication / "fab lab" and material reprocessing
6) car mechanic workshop
7) regional focused environment / biosphere analysis and research
* location can move as soon as in 3-6 months! important is to start.
* housekeeping details:
* people can bring friends + are responsible for them
* drinks and snacks on a donation basis. ~1.5€/cold beer suggested
* space makes sure neighbours are happy
* if you're at the space very often, please contribute more
* this is probably not really a best choice for a 8 hours/day office, but might be at the beginning
* young people (pre-university) are invited and encouraged to come around
* no bullshit, no problem - adult people can organize their own space
* [...]
* technical space:
* good internet (shared fibre optics, ~30/10)
* electronics & DIY lab (as part of tools by CHT hackbase project)
* shared laptop / server (Lenovo X220 i5, 8GB RAM + dock)
* a full-wall projector (Epson 3LED)
* Sony surround sound system
* 6-channel 600W sound
* color A4 laser printer
* office supplies for creativity
* all cables you could ever want
* random junk to hack
* [...]
* full kitchen:
* fridge with beer and other refreshing drinks
* cookware to cook and server ~10 people
* [...]
* access:
* regular opening hours + by special arrangement (call +34603118504)
* furniture:
donated and upcycled tables, office chairs, couches
* a donation box!
* [...]
Space history
* 2016-06-10 (Friday):
* Project start
* 2016-06-13 + 2016-06-14 (Moday + Tuesday):
* Finding a location + meetings
* 2016-06-16 (Thursday):
* We visit two locals with Remax
* Bad: First is a pre-finished 300€ duplex on top of Cl. Jose Antonio
* Alternative: very nice 400€ / 70 sqm space aside Calle Real
* 2016-06-19 + 2016-06-20 (Sunday + Monday):
* new truco.space website!
* A member offers a space in Argana Alta and we move in CHT equipment.
* 2016-06-22 (Wednesday):
* open 12:00 - 21:00
* 5 visitors, collecting 170€ contributions !
thank you Fabrizio, Marmeduke !!!
* work on space network
* sorting a lot of things in storage
* [...]
* 2016-06-24 (Friday):
* open 15:00 - 23:00
* 3 visitors, 60€ contribution - thanks Erik!
* improved local network and servers
* organized storage and space
* 2016-06-27 (Monday):
* open 14:30 - 22:00
* we have fiber optic internet! sharing with neighbours.
* bought 2x projector (1x Optoma DLP and 1x Epson 3LED)!, ~700€
* basic audio system calibration
* setting up server / shared laptop for general work ("Troika") <-- Lenovo X220
* 2016-06-28 (Tuesday):
* open 15:00 - 22:30
* set up projectors
* first two pizzas delivered to space! :D
* 2016-06-30 (Thursday):
* bought new Kinect (motion sensing input device) for medialab, 20€
* redo: floor plan !!!
* redo: network !!!! + a lot of fails
* redo: wiring
* [...]
* 2016-07-01 (Friday):
* [...]
* 2016-07-02 (Saturday):
* redo floor plan (much more open space + extra couches)
* finish: optimize projector position
* fix Samson 600W sound system
* fix Telecaster guitar
* pizza delivery at ~1am !
* [...]
* 2016-07-03 (Sunday):
* set up raspberry-pi (install linux packages: vnc server, a/v, development tools, ...)
* [...]
* 2016-07-04 (Monday):
* set up Kinect (3D depth sensor camera):
* DIY cable
* software + examples (body skeleton, etc)
* [...]
* 2016-07-18: General Meeting #0 (AGM0)
* 2017-01:
"TRUCO.SPACE #1" (Argana Alta) is closed, equipment moved out.
(Site generated by E2H, an "Etherpad hypermedia" project by @dcht00).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.