32c3, Hamburg/DE, Dec 30th 12:00, Room 13

    * david@totalism.org @dcht00
    * hairyfotr@gmail.com @HairyFotr

Nootropics (also called smart drugs, neuro enhancers, etc.) are substances - drugs, supplements, and functional foods - that improve one or more aspects of cognitive performance. (via Wikipedia)

    * Don't trust us, talk to doctors and pharma, do your research.
    * Supplements are not magic, not always well researched, not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle (sleep, food, water, activity ...).
    * Listen to your body, know your limits.
    * Try one substance at a time - measure effects, have a journal


Mentioned substances:
    * B complex (group of B vitamins)
    * Choline
    * Vitamin C
    * Magnesium (Oxide, Citrate (most bioavailable), Carbonate ...)
    * Coenzyme Q10
    * Vitamin D
    * Coffee / Black Tea / Green tea (Caffeine + L-Theanine)
    * Omega fatty acids (3 mostly)
    * Vitamin K
    * Vitamin A
    * Water
    * Essential amino acids <-> proteins

Herbal extracts:
    * Ginkgo Biloba:
        * Tolerance after a few weeks
        * A lot of research both on elderly (small doses against dementia) and young (focus, memory)
    * Ginseng (Panax, Siberian ...)
    * Bacopa
    * Rhodiola (Rosea, ...)

More "serious" synthetic stuff:
    * Modafinil
    * Piracetam / Racetams (+ Choline!)
    * Noopept
    * Phenibut

Other + etc:
    * Cholesterol (HDL vs LDL)
    * Uridine ?? <-- in sardines?
    * [...]

... Also, don't forget the basics:
    * Hydration (Drink More Water)
    * Exercise
    * Sleep
    * "Good lifestyle"
    * [...]


    * Effect / "Is it doing any good?"
    * self-observation + basic body response knowledge:
        * blood tests:
            ... but not for all
        * introspection

    * drawbacks / "body damage" of continuous supplementation/usage/x
    * Deficiencies of basic nutrients in people are common
    * absorption effectiveness:
        natural vs suplements
    * the compound / form is important (especially in supplements)
    * natural supplementation / taking note of what's present in the food / "functional foods":
        * traditional food types as sources of nutrients
        * food quality from perspective of nutrition
    * dependency, tolerance, etc
    * dosing:
        * quantities (microdosing)
        * time regiments / schedules
        * adjustments, cycling
    * what *is* actually enhanced:
        * focus / concentration
        * response times
        * creativity (how to measure objectively?)
        * [...]
   * Interactions:
       * synergises
       * inhibits
       * uses same absorption sites
       * depletes
    * administration agents:
        pills, DIY capsules
    * diets! :
        * vegan / vegetarian / paleo / ketogenic [...]
        * watching over shit:
            * reducing sugars (and flours) ... 35g / day limit?
            * [...]
    * [...]


Some pharma basics:
   * Pharmacokinetics - how substances are absorbed in the body
   * Bioavailability and Absorption
   * Tolerance and cycling
   * Toxicity

Typical uses in society:
    * big college projects
    * high-performance business owners / entrepreneurs
    * athletes (majority of road cyclists are diagnosed with asthma to legally take drugs)
    * [...]

Key concepts / ideas:
    * blood/brain barrier
    * drugs as technology
    * [...]

People / sources:
    * Tim Ferriss
    * Dave Asprey (bulletproof executive)
    * Ray Kurzweil:
        * Futurist, takes >100 pills/day for nootropic and anti-aging
        * http://www.quora.com/Which-150-supplements-does-Ray-Kurzweil-take-daily
    * Gwern:
        * This person has done a LOT of self experimentation of various substances http://www.gwern.net/Nootropics
    * selfhacked.com
    * [...]

Mitigating drinking alcohol:
    * http://nootropix.com/counteract-alcohol-negative-effects/ 
        * calcium
        * potassium
        * magnesium
        * zinc
        * copper
        * vitamin C
        * thiamine B1
        * riboflavin B2


    * good water bottle:
        * not plastic
        * not aluminium (it's toxic, so bottles are aluminium with plastic inside)
        * stainless steel (rostfrei) is ok
    * cast iron pans
    * [...]

Dont's ("anti-nootropics"):
    * "With all the talk about self-improvement these days, people don't pay enough attention to self-worsening." :)
    * "The Toxins That Threaten Our Brains" http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/03/the-toxins-that-threaten-our-brains/284466/
    * plastic bottles
    * teflone ?!
    * aluminium
    * phtalates
    * dental cavities:
        amalgam VS "white"
    * transfats
    * alkaloids (nightshades in excess)
    * anticholinergic
    * fluoride in tooth-paste! (it kills pineal gland): http://www.instagram.com/p/-wkjQqFUBR/
    * Heavy metals (amalgam, big fish)
    * panga fish (fished in really dirty waters)
    * cookies (WHO now says no sugar is needed, ~35g max recommended, which is not a lot)
    * gluten? (research inconclusive for non-celiak people)
    * lectins (found in grains and legumes among others) may act as inhibitors by binding nutrients and preventing absorption
    * iodized salt (better sup)
    * [...]

    (----> boosts/synergises, -//-> inhibits/depletes, ... mined from various sources)
    Calcium <----> Magnesium
    Vitamin D ----> Calcium
    Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Calcium ----> Vitamin K
    Vitamin C ----> Iron
    Calcium -//-> Iron
    Caffeine -/depletes/-> Iron
    Vitamin E <-/mutually blocking/-> Iron
    Vitamin E <----> Selenium
    Calcium <-/same absorption sites/-> Zinc
    Iron -/mild/-> Zinc
    Copper <-/antagnoists/ratio/-> Zinc
    Folate <----> Vitamin B12

Watch ratios:
    * Omega 6 : Omega 3
    * Zinc : Copper
    * Potassium : Sodium
    * Calcium : Magnesium

  Caffeine + L-theanine
  Piracetam + Choline
  See reddit.
 Prepackaged stacks:
    TruBrain, OptiMind, Cognitea, ...
    Usually expensive, and sometimes bro-science



Related hacker projects:
    * Brainduino:
        eeg brain-wave amplifier for arduino
    * quantified self:
        * Gwern
    * [...]

    * http://www.compoundchem.com/2015/07/30/neurotransmitters/
    * Dopamine, Acetylcholine, Serotonin, ...


Some substances:
    (have some limited, personal experience with that - David's notes are much more extensive...)

Dave Asprey on Modafinil Adderall, Ritalin, and Provigil - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSOIZvSKEgI
* Used by astronauts on long-term missions aboard the International Space Station. Modafinil is "available to crew to optimize performance while fatigued" and helps with the disruptions in circadian rhythms and with the reduced quality of sleep astronauts experience.
* In the United States military, modafinil has been approved for use on certain Air Force missions, and it is being investigated for other uses.
* The United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence commissioned research into modafinil and spent £300,000 on one investigation.

Methylphenidate / Ritalin:
"Methylphenidate is sometimes used by students to enhance their mental abilities, improving their concentration and helping them to study."

"naturally occurring amino acid and chemical precursor as well as a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin from tryptophan."


Appears in coffee and mate.

Helps regulate sleep.


        * http://examine.com/
        * http://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/wiki/beginners <------- !!!!!!!!!!
        * http://www.nootropix.com/en/abcs-smart-drugs-what-are-nootropics-what-to-expect/
        * http://www.facebook.com/groups/officialnootropics/
        * http://smartdrugsforthought.com/nootropic-research/
        * http://www.reddit.com/r/StackAdvice
        * http://www.reddit.com/r/nootropics/wiki/faq
                good dosage info, ...
        * http://nootropicsguide.wordpress.com/
        * FB: "Nootropics" + "Nootropics Circlejerk"
        * [...]

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