emf2016 Hackbases @ EMF camp 2016
5-7th of August @ Loseley Park, near Guildford


Last updated:

    david: +44 7909727176 (gsm)
    hairyfotr: ######## (gsm, Whatsapp, Telegram), twitter: @HairyFotr
    #hackbases (Freenode)

EMF Organisational Basics

    * http://wiki.emfcamp.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_Field_2016 :
        * wiki captcha is 'Bletchley'
    * http://www.facebook.com/events/636420656461609/
    * http://twitter.com/emfcamp:
        * and #emf2016 tag
        * and <hairyfotr list http://twitter.com/HairyFotr/lists/emf (only basic / official accounts)
    * http://blog.emfcamp.org/post/148103896393/things-you-need-to-know-about-electromagnetic
    * [...]

Location + Getting there:
    * Loseley Park, near Guildford
    * geo:51.2068,-0.6062
    * London -> Guildford: Road A3, Exit B3000 Godalming/Farnham
    * http://wiki.emfcamp.org/wiki/Travel
    * [stub] http://hitchwiki.org/en/London#Southwest_towards_Woking.2C_Guildford.2C_Porstmouth.2C_Worthing_A3.2FA.C2.A03.C2.A0.28M.29.2C_.26_A24

Weather (on 0802):
    * 4th looks shit
    * Looks OK for camp
    * teardown looks good

    * TiLDA mkPi
    * micropython
    * wifi (should auto-connect on camp)
    * sensors
    * joystick
    * [...]

Hackbases basics

Hackbases are hackerspaces you can live-in. 

Main sites:
    * Village: http://wiki.emfcamp.org/wiki/Village:Hackbases
    * http://wiki.hackerspaces.org/Hackbase (includes list of spaces)
    * IRC: #hackbases on Freenode

Also see:
    * http://wiki.hackerspaces.org/Residencies (hacker residencies)
    * list@totalism.org <-- subscribe via http://totalism.org/contact
    * Hackbase Architecture:
        http://www.facebook.com/groups/300265436835555/ (FB group)
        http://totalism.org/hacking-housing (manifesto)

Previous Hackbases meetups:
    * 2016-04: Squatconf (Berlin/DE)
    * 2015-12: 32c3 (Hamburg/DE)
    * 2015-08: ccc-camp (near Berlin/DE)
    * 2014-12: 31c3 (Hamburg/DE) <-- notes asap!
    * 2013-08: OHM 2013 (near Aalkmar/NL) <-- notes asap

Hackbases meetup / workshop @ EMF ?

Sorry. Nothing much happened:
    * talk rejected
    * lightning talk rejected for "all slots filled up", but were free later, so should have insisted more
    * didn't organize meetup because it felt like there was enough day programme??

Done, atleast:
    * put village on map

EMF Schedule & picks

    * Schedule:
        * at http://www.emfcamp.org/schedule
        * use the "Favorite" button --> http://www.emfcamp.org/favourites
        * (also has .ics export)
    * Map:
    * Line-up: http://www.emfcamp.org/line-up/2016
    * Video: http://media.ccc.de/b/conferences/emf16

    * "And from 8pm each night we commandeer a tent for AWESOME MOVIES - Details soon!"
    * [...]

    aug 04 = day 0 (we'll travel + show up anyway as we're "travelling from far")
    aug 05 = day 1 (Friday)
    aug 06 = day 2
    aug 07 = day 3
    aug 08 = day 4 / teardown
    aug 09 = day 5 / leave

Favorite picks by +HairyFotr and +david:

Bold - Attended
Strikeout - Missed, and have to research

Day 1:
    1300 Opening Ceremony
    1400 A: Micropython
    / B: The history and future of books
    1500 C: Hacking Your Head : Managing Information Overload
    1530 A: History of the UK Computer Industry
    1610 B: Off Grid: a game about circumvention tech and hacking
    1710 A: It's Only Rocket Science
    1800 A: Shape-changing in nature and puny human efforts to emulate it
    1920 A: Sex! Robots! Sex Robots!
    / B: Number Stations
    / 1620-1930 W1: Random Neural Style Transfer for revenge

Day 2:
    1000 B: Connecting computers together over 1,000s miles without using the internet
    1030 B: IoT with RPi
    1110 B: Socio-technical evolution for hackers
    / 1120 C: Sustainable open source
    / 1140 A: Impostor Syndrome
    1210-1410 W2: DIY Solar Charger Workshop
    1220 A: Cyber Security Myths
    / B: How I built my diesel powered motorcycle
    1250-1350 W1: Building and open source political platform
    1310-1350 A: Blood, Sweat and Carbon: Our Solar Car
    1310 C: Apocalypse Later http://www.emfcamp.org/line-up/2016/88-apocalypse-later
    1340 B: Inside the MIT Media Lab
    / C: Photons to electrons
    1440 A: Mars, the Bringer of Wub
    1520 A: Can you really hack an airplane?
    1530 C: My self built eco house
    1640 C: Mind Control
    1710 B: Lighting talks
    1810 C: Hebocon (shitty robots)

Day 3:
    1000-1230 W2: Imperfect VR
    / 1000 C: Holonomic robots
    1040 B: APIs for Cyborgs
    1120 A: X-Ray Audio
    1150 B: Digital Medial Imaging
    / 1150 B: Lightning Talks
    1330 Make Invent Do Village: Project Patrick: Building your own personal AI assistant
    1320 A: A brief history of effects in film
    1520 C: Cyber security and the joy of the false positive
    1600 B: Car Hacking - Back to the future 1970s style
    1630 A: 100 years of Shannon
    1750 B: Acoustic Cosmology
    1850 C: Infrastructre review
    2010 A: Closing ceremony


The history and future of books
Video: http://media.ccc.de/v/emf2016-49-the-history-and-future-of-books
Contact: http://twitter.com/@fearandsequins

Hacking Your Head: Managing Information Overload
Video: http://media.ccc.de/v/emf2016-141-hacking-your-head-managing-information-overload
Contact: http://twitter.com/@jdpearce

Connecting computers together over 1,000s miles without using the internet
Video: http://media.ccc.de/v/emf2016-63-connecting-computers-together-over-1-000s-miles-without-using-the-internet
Contact: Amateur radio village

Project Patrick: Building your own personal AI assistant
"Project Patrick is a cloud connected speech controlled digital assistant – like Amazon’s Echo. You can easily build your own ‘Patrick’ to run on your PC or your Raspberry Pi 3. All base code and services are available from GitHub. Patrick uses Windows 10 speech recogniser and speech to text voices to listen and respond. It uses the LUIS cognitive service to easily determine the command to execute.  A simple services model means you can easily build your own services and extend your Patrick."
Guy told us (caught during teardown) it's open source except "Intent engine" which goes to some MS server

People to meet + Places to go

jinx !!

Jack spins Algorave on Saturday !!!

Aljaz / g5pw

Scottish Consulate guys

moose !

Pad / Todos

Also useful for everyone:
    * perform intro run when arriving on premises!
    * http://wiki.emfcamp.org/wiki/Packing_List
    * create account and profile (Edit with form)
    * create Village http://wiki.emfcamp.org/wiki/Villages
    * [...]

    * hackbases lightning + workshop
    * nootropics workshop
    * workshop 3 ??? (regular):
        * books compendium
        * hypermedia theory + ted nelson ("infrastructure of knowledge" as per Marcel Mars)
        * hacker cars and boats
        * [...]
    * LT materials
    * PHOTOS !!!!!!!!!!!
    * [...]
#cht.events #protocol

    * stickers
    * flyers
    * internals iiindex (share per request)
    * [...]

EMF huh?:
    * how many stages & treks? (3 stages, 3 workshop tracks)
    * will there be LTs (camper area)
    * [...]

Come hang out with at the hackbase [hackerspaces you can live in] open infrastructure tent.
Hope it will actually be a real tent, with photo & data projections from the site. 
The Totalism base is a hackerbase in Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain) and operating since 2011.
The next major step for the project is buying rural land on the island, for a permanent temporary architecture free base for hacking there. Check out http://totalism.org/ and http://totalism.org/season4
Other hackbases are very welcome too. 

    * BANNER !?
    * ... projector banner !?
    * [...]

(next time)
    * place
    * infra
    * food ?!
not unlike the Scottish!

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(Site generated by E2H, an "Etherpad hypermedia" project by @dcht00). Creative Commons License
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