25-30th December @ Hamburg/DE
Last updated: 2016-01-05

Table of Contents
32c3 basics
* wiki:
http://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Main_Page (and mirror 1, mirror 2)
* schedule ("fahrplan") + session schedule:
http://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/Fahrplan/ (and mirror)
http://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Static:Timetable Timeline of all sessions (and mirror)
* missing:
* 3bottle.es
* android apps
* [...]
Hackbases basics
Hackbases are hackerspaces you can live-in.
* http://wiki.hackerspaces.org/Hackbase :
includes list of spaces
* also see:
http://wiki.hackerspaces.org/Residencies (hacker residencies)
* IRC:
#hackbases on Freenode
* list@totalism.org :
subscribe via http://totalism.org/contact
* Hackbase Architecture:
http://www.facebook.com/groups/300265436835555/ (FB group)
http://totalism.org/hacking-housing (manifesto)
* Previous Hackbases meetups:
* OHM 2013 <-- [notes asap]
* 31c3 2014 <-- [notes asap]
* cccamp 2015 <-- http://pad.totalism.org/p/camp2015-hackbases
Hackbases + related events
* Hackbases meetup:
* Dec 29th (Day 3), 2pm <--> http://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Session:Hackbases
* presentations: maxigas, dcht00, hellekin
* @Hall 14 (close to VOC or Anarchist Village)
* "Hackbases & Hacker Nomadism" lightning talk (dcht00):
* Day 4, 14:20 <--> http://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Lightning:Hackbases,_Hacker_Nomadism,_etc
* video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=an57hOM82Ns&t=93m50s
* EU hacker nomadism systematics links:
Full schedule (with related):
_________ day 1 / dec 27
* Holger K: Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project, 11:30
* Unciv meetup @ 3PM @Workshop C, Room 2 (Level 1)
* Marcel Mars: Public library/Memory of the world, 5PM @ Hall 6 (talk)
* Marcel Mars: Public libraries, 8:30PM @ Hall 14 (session +maxigas)
_________ day 2 / dec 28
_________ day 3 / dec 29
* Hackbases meetup , 2pm <--> http://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Session:Hackbases
* Fluxus cannot save the world, 2PM (Hall 6)
* Ten years after "We Lost The War", by Rop Gongrrijp & Frank Rieger, 18:30
* 20:30 , Hall 13 -> How to start a radical tech collective
_________ day 4 / dec 30
* Nootropics (cognitive enchancers), 12:00h @ Hall 13 (by dcht00, hairyfotr)
* Infrastructures of knowledge
technical continuation of Public Library talk+discussion by Marcel Mars and maxigas
13:00 @ Hall 13
* "Hackbases & Hacker Nomadism" lightning talk, Hall G, 14:20
Related + Unfixed time:
* Umbrella meetup @ ??? <-- Decided on Day 3
* Hackerspace Patterns Discussion @ ???
* WhiskeyLeaks
* Wine meetup
* Dec 16, Bologna/IT XM24:
HackLabBo hackbases presentation
* Dec 18, Berlin/DE:
Press day
* Dec 25th, Hamburg/DE:
CCH tour + Hackbases kebab Edt. #1
Hackbases + related projects, places and groups
* Hackbases Project
* CHT / Totalism assembly:
* didn't actually happen, better org next year!
Related / Associated:
* Scottish Consulate
* Anarchist village:
* Dead Tree Lovers:
(merged with tea house 4th floor)
* Umbrella:
* Foodhackingbase:
Centro Sociale
--(some 15min walk away?)
* Neuro Hacking assembly
* Moose village?
* [...]
// stub //
* existing spaces + new spaces updates
* hackbase typologies, para-hackbases (not real hackbases but can be used similarly)
* what to do with http://wiki.hackerspaces.org/Residencies :
* add contact field
* have a "beacon" and "who stayed there" or something
* more infrastructural support from hackerspaces.org ?
* ways to start a hackbase (wg -> hackbase, etc):
"hackbase design patterns"
* funding, spread, hacker cooperative, Umbrella (david, hellekin)
* systems of representations & Feistinger / Cognitive Dissonance
* [...]
(Coming ~Jan 10)
Who's coming
(add yourself here):
david@totalism.org (CHT)
lorenz (CHT)
HairyFotr (CHT)
sva (hillhacks / hackbeach)
realitygaps ($space)
mo (gamambel)
More random+useful 32c3 info
Preparing for congress:
* Don't forget Halfnarp http://halfnarp.events.ccc.de/
* Lectures Fahrplan is up:
* http://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/Fahrplan/ [Dec 11]
* Download PDFs !!
* Session schedules are separate from Fahrplan:
* [...]
* Surviving: http://events.ccc.de/congress/2015/wiki/Static:How_To_Survive
Halfnarp lists (personal pick of events):
* David: http://halfnarp.events.ccc.de/#11fff089727cb0371d363faff488590ea7cfdce9449b241d0dbe9bdb77de730d
* HairyFotr: http://halfnarp.events.ccc.de/#53e22eb7e3c065dbacfd6fddda312f02a9acd16339e02b17d5636d8070d8d56c
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